Sales Process

How to Follow Up On A Quote And Win The Job 

Navigating a sales deal to a successful end has a number of intrinsic steps to it. Among them is sending a professional quote to potential customers that encourages them to convert. However, sending the quote doesn’t always mean the prospect will give you the job. They’re often sourcing quotes from different providers and suppliers, and…

Convert MOV to MP4

How to Losslessly Convert MOV to MP4 with WinX Video Converter

WinX Video Converter Quick Intro WinX Video Converter is an exception to this rule. It can transcode films from a variety of sources and file formats, including 4K and UHD footage. Furthermore, the program functions as a video editor (to help you cut out specific aspects of your movie) and a video downloader (to let…

ITIL 3 vs. ITIL 4

ITIL 3 vs. ITIL 4: An Inside Look at the Key Differences

The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is a collection of best practices for IT service management (ITSM) developed over the past 20 years. ITIL 3 generated excitement because it intended to bring together all known best practices in ITSM into one comprehensive framework. The newly released ITIL 4 is essentially a subset of ITIL 3…

Parking Access Control System

5 Parking Access Control System Misconceptions – We Set the Record Straight

There are more people in the world every year, and more of those people live in urban areas and own one or more vehicles per family. In other words, there are more vehicles in less space than ever. And more vehicles in less space mean we have to “stack them up.” This is why more…

Highest Paying Jobs in Cyber Security

Top Highest Paying Jobs in Cyber Security

The internet has not only become a necessity in today’s world, but it is also an open marketplace for all types of information. The increase in cybercrimes and attacks increases the demand for professionals who can protect companies from these security breaches. Cybersecurity experts are in high order, with many companies seeking to offer higher…

Food Manufacturing Software

The Rise of Food Manufacturing Software in the Food and Beverage Industry        

It’s difficult getting the right price for your products. Food recalls cost billions of dollars each year and can damage customer loyalty and long-term brand value. Furthermore, companies must ensure that their products meet government regulations to avoid fines or lawsuits. Both components play a vital role in keeping customers safe and allowing brands to…

EOS Coin

5 Facts About EOS Coin

The EOSIO blockchain is functionally similar to Ethereum, for which it was once awarded the nickname of the Ethereum killer. The platform is designed to create and host DAPPs of any scale. The development team aims to create a blockchain architecture with simple and fast implementation of decentralized applications, high scalability, and zero fees. To…