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How To Get Synthetics Monitoring To Work In New Relic 2023

In the ever-evolving digital landscape of 2023, ensuring the seamless operation of your online applications and websites is paramount. This article dives deep into Synthetic Monitoring within New Relic, shedding light on what it is, how it works, its benefits, and, most importantly, how to make it work effectively for your business. So, let’s embark on this journey to understand “How To Get Synthetics Monitoring To Work In New Relic 2023”.


New Relic Synthetic Monitoring (NRSM) stands as a beacon of excellence in cloud-based monitoring systems. In today’s fiercely competitive digital environment, maintaining a user-friendly experience for your website visitors is essential and a competitive advantage. Synthetic monitoring, as provided by New Relic, ensures the smooth functioning of your online applications.

New Relic, a leading Application Performance Monitoring (APM) application, arms website managers and IT professionals with powerful features for analyzing and monitoring their online applications. The compass guides businesses through the labyrinth of real-time insights into their digital platforms.

Consider Synthetic Monitors as the crash test dummies for your API, websites, and applications. These virtual browsers rigorously test your endpoints, run through your workflows, and diligently report the results to New Relic. If any anomalies rear their heads, Synthetic Monitoring quickly notify you, allowing you to rectify issues promptly.

What is New Relic?

How To Get Synthetics Monitoring To Work In New Relic 2023

New Relic is the go-to software solution for websites in the digital era. New Relic offers real-time insights into the health and performance of your applications, empowering you to diagnose and resolve issues swiftly, minimizing downtime. This cloud-based Application Performance Management (APM) solution is compatible with various frameworks, platforms, programming languages, and cloud-based applications.

New Relic’s efficiency and effectiveness make it a favourite among developers, DevOps teams, and IT professionals. Its continuous evolution ensures you’re always equipped with the latest features to streamline your operations and optimize your digital offerings.

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What is Synthetic Monitoring?

What is Synthetic Monitoring?

Synthetic monitoring is the art of foreseeing when a service or system might stumble. It’s akin to having a guardian angel for your platform, constantly watching over it to diagnose issues before they spiral into catastrophic failures. This proactive approach involves simulating user interactions and requests to monitor a system’s response based on scripted conditions.

Synthetic Monitoring creates artificial transactions that mimic real users’ actions. These actions could range from filling out forms to clicking buttons, visiting web pages, and executing API calls. These scripted tasks are performed regularly from various locations and devices, providing valuable insights into the platform’s performance and availability.

Conversely, Real-User Monitoring (RUM) is a passive technique that analyses user interactions with an online platform. It’s the equivalent of having a backstage pass to observe user behaviour in real time, helping you optimize your services and platform accordingly.

Synthetic monitoring offers a proactive approach, allowing you to connect performance and availability endpoints to infrastructure and applications. At the same time, RUM provides real-world insights by monitoring live user interactions.

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Types of Synthetic Monitors

Website developers and managers have a powerful tool at their disposal in the form of synthetic monitors. These monitors help keep an eye on your website’s activities and performance. There are seven types of synthetic monitors, each designed to serve a specific purpose:

  1. Endpoints & API Monitoring: Ensures the smooth operation of API endpoints.
  2. Browser-Based Monitoring: Monitors website performance by simulating user interactions.
  3. Network Monitoring: Keeps tabs on network-related issues.
  4. Mobile Monitoring: Ensures mobile app performance.
  5. Middleware Monitoring: Monitors middleware components.
  6. Database Monitoring: Ensures the health of your databases.
  7. Infrastructure Monitoring: Monitors your server infrastructure.

Synthetic Monitoring Features

Synthetic Monitoring Features

The effectiveness of Synthetic Monitoring lies in its rich set of features. These features include:

  1. Scripted Transactions: Scripted tests that replicate user actions.
  2. Multiple Locations: Tests can be conducted from various geographical locations.
  3. Alerting: Immediate notifications in case of issues.
  4. Performance Metrics: In-depth performance data and metrics.
  5. Integration: Seamless integration with other monitoring tools.
  6. Historical Data: Access to historical performance data for analysis.
  7. Customization: Tailor tests to suit specific scenarios.

Synthetic Monitoring Benefits for Global Businesses

Synthetic Monitoring Benefits for Global Businesses

Global businesses, in particular, reap significant benefits from Synthetic Monitoring. Some of the key advantages include:

  1. Global Reach: Monitoring from various locations ensures a global perspective.
  2. Proactive Issue Detection: Problems are spotted and addressed before users are affected.
  3. Improved User Experience: Ensures that customers have a smooth online experience.
  4. Optimized Performance: Identifies and rectifies performance bottlenecks.
  5. Cost Efficiency: Reduces downtime and related costs.
  6. Competitive Edge: Stay ahead by delivering top-notch user experiences.

Types of New Relic Synthetic Monitoring

New Relic Synthetic Monitoring is a purpose-built tool that simulates fundamental user interactions with online platforms such as apps and websites. It acts as a vigilant sentinel, detecting potential errors and anomalies. New Relic offers seven types of monitoring:

  1. Page Link Crawler: Monitors page links.
  2. User Step Execution: Ensures user interactions are executed correctly.
  3. Endpoint Availability: Monitors the availability of endpoints.
  4. Page Load Performance: Focuses on page load times.
  5. User Functionality / Flow: Monitors user flows within applications.
  6. SSL Certificate Expiration: Keeps tabs on SSL certificate status.

Configuring New Relic Synthetic Monitoring is a straightforward process. You can set up monitors, choose monitoring locations, and gather insightful data to optimize your platform effectively.

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How to Get Synthetics Monitoring to Work Properly in New Relic?

To make Synthetics Monitoring work seamlessly in New Relic, follow these steps:

  1. Sign In: Log in to your New Relic account at newrelic.com.
  2. Access Synthetics: Navigate to the Synthetics section in the New Relic user interface.
  3. Create a Monitor: Begin by creating a new monitor.
  4. Choose Monitor Type: Select the type of monitor that suits your needs, such as Scripted Browser, API Tests, or Simple Browser.
  5. Configure the Monitor: Provide necessary information like endpoints, locations, and URLs for your monitor.
  6. Set Up Alert Conditions: Define conditions that trigger alerts, such as response times or performance issues.
  7. Save and Enable: After configuring the monitor and alert conditions, save and enable it to monitor your application.
  8. Monitor Results: Regularly monitor results as tests run at predefined intervals.
  9. Optimise and Tune: Use the data provided by New Relic to identify areas that require improvement and optimize your platform.

Remember that specific steps may vary slightly depending on the version of New Relic software you are using.

How to Configure the New Relic Synthetic Monitoring

Configuring New Relic Synthetic Monitoring is a step-by-step process that ensures you effectively monitor your platform’s page load performance and availability:

  1. Choose a Synthetic Monitor: Access Synthetic Monitoring by navigating to One.newrelic.com > Synthetic Monitoring > Create your Monitor.
  2. Set Up Page Load Performance Monitor: Name your monitor
  3.  Specify the website’s URL in the “Configure Monitor” section.
  4. Select Monitor Locations: Choose from 20 locations across 6 continents to analyze page load performance effectively.
  5. Check Page Load Performance Test Results: Review a comprehensive set of results, including success rates, statistics, and failed tests. Gain insights into loading times, component performance, and more.

Following these steps, you can configure New Relic Synthetic Monitoring to gain valuable insights into your platform’s performance.

Perks of How To Get Synthetics Monitoring To Work In New Relic 2023

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, the perks of making Synthetics Monitoring work in New Relic 2023 are undeniable. This powerful tool ensures your online applications and websites perform at their best, providing benefits such as:

  1. Proactive Issue Resolution: Detect and address issues before they impact users.
  2. Enhanced User Experience: Deliver a seamless and reliable online experience.
  3. Global Reach: Monitor your platform’s performance from various locations.
  4. Cost Savings: Reduce downtime and associated costs.
  5. Competitive Advantage: Maintain a lead over rivals by using optimized digital offerings.

Bottom Line

In the digital age 2023, Synthetics Monitoring in New Relic is your ally in ensuring top-tier performance and user experiences. By understanding the intricacies of Synthetic Monitoring, configuring it effectively, and harnessing its benefits, businesses can thrive in the online realm.

10 Useful and Unique FAQs with Answers

What is Artificial Monitoring?

Synthetic Monitoring is a proactive monitoring strategy.
digital platforms by simulating user interactions to predict and prevent potential issues.

What are the benefits of Synthetic Monitoring for global businesses?

Global businesses benefit from improved user experiences, cost efficiency, and a competitive edge.

How many types of Synthetic Monitors are there?

There are seven types: Endpoint & API Monitoring, Browser-Based Monitoring, and more.

What are some key features of Synthetic Monitoring?

Features include scripted transactions, multiple locations, alerting, performance metrics, and customization.

How does New Relic Synthetic Monitoring work?

It simulates fundamental user interactions with online platforms and notifies users of anomalies or errors.

What is Real-User Monitoring (RUM)?

RUM is a passive monitoring technique that analyses user interactions to optimize services and platforms.

What types of Monitoring does New Relic offer?

New Relic offers Page Link Crawler, User Step Execution, Endpoint Availability, and more.

How do I configure New Relic Synthetic Monitoring?

Configure it by selecting a monitor type, setting up alert conditions, and monitoring results for optimization.

What are the perks of using Synthetic Monitoring in New Relic 2023?

Benefits include proactive issue resolution, enhanced user experience, and a competitive advantage.

Why is Synthetic Monitoring essential for online businesses?

It ensures the seamless operation of online applications and websites, leading to satisfied users and business success.

James A. Pritchard, born on June 15, 1980, is a recognized authority on technology and a well-established writer in the tech industry. With a Master's degree in Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Ph.D. in Artificial Intelligence from Stanford University, James has an impressive academic background that he's utilized to great effect throughout his career. Starting his professional journey as a Software Engineer at Google in 2004, James rose through the ranks over the years, eventually assuming the role of Lead AI Architect by 2012. In this capacity, he played a key role in developing various groundbreaking AI technologies, some of which are used widely today. 2015 James ventured into tech journalism, using his extensive knowledge and first-hand experience to inform and educate readers. He has contributed to numerous tech blogs, online publications, and print media, elucidating complex tech concepts for a diverse audience. Since 2018, he has served as a Chief Technology Analyst for TechCrunch, helping readers stay up-to-date with the ever-evolving tech landscape. In 2016 James extended his writing to the gaming industry, leveraging his professional expertise and passion for gaming. He started contributing to gaming blogs like IGN, Kotaku, and PC Gamer, where he dissected the latest gaming hardware, reviewed popular video games, and discussed gaming strategies. His ability to bridge the gap between hardcore gamers and casual players gained him a dedicated following. He particularly enjoyed diving into the technical aspects of game development, connecting the dots between his tech background and gaming interests. In 2021, leveraging his industry experience and writing prowess, James started his own tech blog, 'Pritchard's Perspective'. The blog provides deep insights into AI, machine learning, cybersecurity, and other emerging tech trends, earning James recognition as a respected voice in the tech blogging community. James indulges in his hobbies when he's not engrossed in the latest tech developments or blogging. An avid amateur astronomer, he enjoys stargazing and tracking celestial events with his telescope. He's also a self-proclaimed "foodie" who relishes exploring diverse cuisines and trying his hand at cooking exotic dishes. Moreover, James is a passionate marathon runner and has participated in numerous races nationwide, proving his commitment to maintaining a balance between his professional endeavors and personal life. With his distinctive blend of technical expertise, real-world experience, and an ability to make complex subjects understandable, James A. Pritchard continues to enlighten and engage readers across the globe through his tech blog.