IB Commission

Best IB Commission

Are you willing to partner with a brokerage company as an Introducing Broker (IB)? There are many brokerage companies with good remuneration packages and commissions for IBS. However, it is essential to understand what an Introducing Broker is all about before entering into a Forex Partnership with any brokerage company. Read on to learn about…

Best CFD Trading Tips

The Best CFD Trading Tips to Survive in Tough Market 

CFDs are among the best and known financial instruments that can help achieve the trading goals of investors seeking user-friendly methods. However, CFDs are not possible to give you without any risks; hence it is often recommended to play safe with CFD trading for many more veteran and skilled traders. On the other hand, if…

Choosing a Forex Trading Platform

What To Consider While Choosing a Forex Trading Platform

The foreign currency market is the world’s biggest financial market, with a daily transaction volume above $6 trillion. As a result, the market is very volatile, with prices continuously changing. Consequently, you may find yourself spending your whole day looking at your computer screen in search of an opportunity to generate money. “Trading software” is…

trading in the FX market

What’s the Optimal Deposit Size to Start Trading Forex?

There are many headlines in the media these days, focusing on the forex market. Even major currencies such as the Euro or Sterling are showing increased volatility, similar to that witnessed when the COVID-19 pandemic started.  These price movements are attributed to the geopolitical tensions in Ukraine and the potential impact that might be felt…