Is It Still Worth It to Get Satellite Internet?

Is It Still Worth It to Get Satellite Internet?

Just like when a new model of gadget is released, internet technology is also easily outdated. With the rapid and continuous development of internet technology, satellite internet faces ongoing competition and advancements. While it was once the primary solution for those living in remote areas, the introduction of new technologies, such as fiber internet or 5G networks, has provided alternative options with potentially better performance and lower latency.

Because of these new techs, more and more people have been asking, is it still worth it to get satellite internet? Short answer, yes. The two satellite giants in the US, HughesNet, and Viasat, still have a lot to offer. Moreover, even the great Elon Musk has invested in satellite technology. That’s good news, isn’t it? Let’s explore more of that below.

Is It Still Worth It to Get Satellite Internet?

5 Reasons Satellite Internet Is Still Worth Getting

Yep, we stand by our statement that satellite internet is still worth getting despite having more advanced options. Even though this internet connection is known for higher latency compared to others, there are still a lot of reasons to give satellite internet a try. Here’s why:

1. Coverage

The biggest strength of satellite internet is in its coverage. It’s safe to say that satellite technology is still unmatched when it comes to providing coverage in remote or rural areas where other types of the internet infrastructure, like cable and fiber, are not available. This universal accessibility makes it invaluable for individuals and businesses located in these underserved regions.

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2. Continuous Advancements

Satellite internet providers like HughesNet are making big efforts to keep up with the demands of the market. If you were to think about it, satellite internet was limited to 25Mbps in recent years, but now, you can get up to 100Mbps with it. Isn’t that amazing? Who would’ve thought it’s possible in this lifetime where “satellite” is sometimes considered “ancient” by the new generation?

Anyway, this just means a lot is waiting for satellite internet in the future. It could be faster speeds, lower latency, and overall performance – but all the benefits will be enjoyed by the consumers, a.k.a you.

3. Reliability

Satellite internet offers a level of reliability that other options might struggle to match. Since satellite signals are beamed directly to and from satellites in orbit, they aren’t as susceptible to terrestrial obstacles like damaged cables or downed power lines. This can be a game-changer in areas where maintaining a consistent internet connection is essential for both personal and professional activities.

4. Innovation Due to Competition

This part is somehow related to the second reason. The market entrance of companies like SpaceX with their Starlink project has stirred new competition into the satellite internet market. Now, existing satellite internet providers are somehow more driven to invest in research and development to stay ahead. With the promise of global coverage and ambitious expansion plans, the future of satellite internet looks brighter than ever.

5. Quick Installation

If you need an internet connection ASAP, satellite internet offers a significant advantage with its quick installation process. Unlike the lengthy and sometimes invasive procedures required for laying down cables or creating complex structures, satellite internet can be set up relatively swiftly. This is particularly beneficial in emergencies or for individuals who require immediate connectivity, such as those moving to a new location.

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Moreover, the ease of installation extends to the flexibility of placement. Unlike fixed-line options that require physical connections to specific locations, satellite dishes can be positioned virtually anywhere with a clear view of the sky. When your home or business has that, you’re already a step closer to being connected online. 

So, Should You Get Satellite Internet?

Of course! Stop thinking twice and get satellite internet for your home or business, especially if you’re located in a rural or remote area where other broadband services may be limited or completely unavailable. Despite the advancements in fiber optic and 5G technology, satellite internet remains a reliable and practical choice for many users.

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The Bottom Line

Understandably, many people are doubting if satellite internet is still capable of providing them with reliable connections. But with the specific points we’ve shared in this article, we’re sure that satellite internet remains one of the best internet options we have out there. And with the constant innovation the industry is having right now, it won’t take long until it becomes one of the strongest contenders in the internet market. 

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