Quiet Quitting

How Businesses Can Navigate “Quiet Quitting” 

With more workers feeling burnt out and unfulfilled from their jobs, we’ve begun to see a rise in workplace trends such as The Great Resignation. Now, a new trend has emerged called “Quiet Quitting.” This change in the workforce is the most recent phrase coined by social media. It encourages workers who feel unappreciated by their employer to stop going above and beyond at work and instead do what little is necessary to continue receiving a paycheck.

So, what can business owners do to attract new talent or re-engage their workforce in this new day and age of quitting trends? Here are a few tips for leaders amidst this complicated time of “quiet quitting.”

The Hiring Process

First and foremost, to have a strong team, you need to hire the right individuals for the job. In the past, hiring managers often prioritized referrals over other candidates because of the idea that we could expect more from these hires. In reality, that is rarely the case.

Instead, leaders must prioritize the employees they already have and attempt to hire from within before outsourcing. When considering outside applicants, it’s also crucial for recruiters to run background checks and verification of employment. These procedures ensure you are hiring trusted professionals who can bring a diverse and fresh way of thinking to the table. 

Know Your Team

If you feel like one of your employees is pulling away or seems to be less present, you shouldn’t just assume they’re no longer interested or hate their job. It could be that they stayed up all night caring for a sick child or are going through a difficult time. Whatever the case may be, taking an interest in the well-being of the team members allows you to sympathize and gain insight into where they’re coming from and how that impacts their performance. 

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While most employers realize the importance of group meetings, many overlook the fact that one on one meetings are just as important, if not more. Giving your workers a safe time and place to relay their concerns or share innovative ideas doesn’t only make them feel genuinely heard. It can also help you prioritize their needs and retain your staff. 

Have Realistic Expectations 

Since the pandemic, more people want to set stricter boundaries to reclaim their time and separate their work and personal life. Time is valuable, and it would do well for businesses to respect employees‘ boundaries and pay the ones wanting to do the extra work. 

One of the biggest reasons for “quiet quitting” becoming so popular in recent times is that workers are tired of not being compensated for the responsibilities they take on beyond the scope of their job requirements. People shouldn’t have to take on the workload of vacant positions if they can’t, and they certainly shouldn’t have to do it without being paid for it. 

Final Thoughts

Although this rise in quitting trends can be frightening to some employers, leaders can and should take this opportunity to foster an environment that more workers want to be a part of and stay in long-term. Not only can this help you stay competitive in recruiting, but it can also help you retain a trusted team of employees!

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