Restaurant Booths

Restaurant Booths – Everything You Should Know To Make Your business successful

When you’re starting out in the restaurant business, a few things are of utmost importance – quality food, good service, and a great atmosphere.

It doesn’t matter if we’re talking fine-dining, family dinners, or fast food joints, these are the holy trinity.

Now, what does this have to do with restaurant booths? Well, the first two, not so much, but the last one certainly does.

Any restaurant owner knows that the key to building a secure customer base is that they feel comfortable in your restaurant. Many people go back to the same places, not because they are thrilled with the food, but because they love how they feel when they go there.

That’s why the atmosphere is crucial. And here’s how restaurant booths will help you with that:

Interior Design of your Restaurant  Business

The way your restaurant looks on the inside is the first thing that your future customers will notice. It won’t be the food, nor the speedy service, but the way your restaurant is decorated.

So, whatever the concept you had in mind for your restaurant was, needs to be reflected in the way it looks. A part of that look is certainly the tables and chairs. It’s where the guests will spend their time in your restaurant and they need to be comfortable and look interesting.

There is a wide range of possibilities, you can go for conventional chairs, or opt for booths that will give a more cozy, familiar vibe to the space.

There are so many choices out there, and it’s an understatement to say that making the choice can get a bit overwhelming. But don’t you worry, we’ll try to give you the most useful pieces of information to help you narrow the field and make the choice in a much more hassle-free way.

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Here are some of the characteristics you should pay attention to:

The Style

We’ve already discussed how interior design can work in your favor, so we don’t have to dwell on it too much, but we’ll give you the most important bits of information.

Here, we’re going to focus on the types of booths, more than the style itself. If you’ve ever looked at websites that sell restaurant furniture, you must have noticed the variety of categories that they were sorted in.

From quick ship booths, wood booths, restaurant bar height booths, and corner booths, to  ½ and ¾ booths, and waiting benches, there is something for everyone.

But, before you make your choice, you need to know your space, as well as the route you want to take in terms of interior design. You should also visit some best restaurants in San Diego to get a better idea of style sense.

The Material 

The next characteristic you should bear in mind is the material. This one ties into the style, but also has loads to do with the practical aspect.

It’s very easy to fall in love with a material that is extremely impractical and uncomfortable, which is a horrible combination. That’s why you need to research the available materials and see which ones have the best reputation in terms of maintenance and cleaning.

Also, don’t forget the fact that certain materials are much more durable than others, which will ensure that your investment wasn’t short-lived and that you won’t have to splurge on new furniture soon.

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The Comfort

We can’t forget about this one! Just think about how awful it is to sit in an uncomfortable chair for a longer period of time, and also have to eat. You don’t want that for your guests, do you?

So, when choosing, always have them in mind and pay attention to how much padding booths have. Sitting on hard surfaces is ok for a short while, but having a whole family meal like that won’t work.

The Practicality

Think of what the concept for your restaurant is. If what you want is something that will double as both a restaurant and a space for some dancing, booths are probably not the best choice. 

Sure, you can disperse them around the room, close to the walls, but keep the rest of the furniture light and easy to move.

The Size

The last thing we want you to keep in mind is the size of your booths. They are quite large by nature, so you need to be wary of the space you’re putting them in.

It’s often a good idea to include a variety of sizes that belong to the same style so that you can adjust the restaurant booths to the spot they will have in the room.

Bigger booths are good near a wall and in corners, while smaller ones fit better in the middle of a room.

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