Successfully Troubleshoot Without So Much Back and Forth

4 Ways to Successfully Troubleshoot Without So Much Back and Forth

Effective troubleshooting is more than technical knowledge. Yes, you have to know how to solve problems. But you can’t begin to do this until you understand what the problem is. It’s why communication and other soft skills can be more crucial to the success of IT reps than technical know-how.

Successfully Troubleshoot Without So Much Back and Forth

Before software advances, the ability to ask probing questions and imagine what the customer was seeing was a must. You have to determine the issue and its context to start trying solutions. Even with advances in troubleshooting tools, these basic principles apply. However, getting to and understanding the context can easily cause frustration for you or your customer. Here are four ways to define the problem faster.    

1. Screenshot Apps

Screenshots of error messages and what the client sees cut to the chase. Visuals eliminate misunderstandings and miscommunications. Screenshots also reduce the number of questions you need to ask to determine what’s going on.

Simply asking what someone sees on their screen often isn’t enough. It can open a can of worms, especially if the person you’re helping doesn’t know how to explain the problem. A known barrier to successful troubleshooting is using technical versus non-technical jargon. It’s all too common for descriptions to get lost in translation, creating more back and forth than what’s necessary.

With a screenshot app, you quickly get to the gist of the matter. You’ll see exactly what’s happening on the other end. Plus, you’ll also be able to show what steps you need someone to take. Robust screenshot apps allow you to annotate or outline instructions and share screenshots via cloud-based links. There are no more endless questions, email chains, and instant messages that lead you nowhere.

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2. Remote Access Tools

Remote desktop software lets you connect to another device even if you’re not physically near it. However, there are a few caveats. Some remote access tools require devices to be on the same local area network. Others will work over the internet but generate a random password that requires verification.

The popularity of remote desktop software is increasing and not just for troubleshooting. In 2022, 50% of workers used remote desktop tools. It’s a way to access programs and files on another device. Think of ground technicians who need to connect to a program on a main computer that controls sprinkler systems. In the field, they can use a tablet’s wireless connection to adjust timers on a machine back at the office.

In terms of troubleshooting, remote desktop software becomes instrumental in achieving efficiency. Technicians can replicate the problem, guide users through solutions, and implement complex fixes. Remote access tools let you input admin credentials to install software updates and run diagnostics. You can explain what you’re doing and why without relying on the user’s ability to implement the necessary steps.

3. Automated Updates

Neglecting software updates does more than cause troubleshooting headaches. It could lead to serious service disruptions, as airline travelers experienced in early 2023. An operating system without the latest patches might lead to unexpected crashes and errors in other apps. On the surface, these crashes and errors have little explanation. They can be difficult to pinpoint, possibly leading to hours of troubleshooting without results.

Yet, installing software updates may not be something end users can or understand how to do. These updates range from operating system patches to standard software enhancements. For example, devices within an organization might be equipped with PDF readers and drivers for interactive whiteboards. Once something becomes outdated, it could stop working or cause conflicts with other apps.

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Using programs that update standard software in the background eliminates the need for these troubleshooting steps. These programs also show what software version is on a device and whether there’s an available update. In addition, users don’t need admin credentials to install those patches. From a main console, you can quickly determine if an installation has failed or is pending. You then eliminate outdated software as a possible cause.

4. Customer Service Platforms

Customer service platforms integrate with other systems, including billing and ordering apps. The activities your agents can view on these platforms help them troubleshoot problems more efficiently in several ways. For instance, support reps can see if a payment failed and why.

Say a customer attempts to make an online payment multiple times with error after error. They call in, obviously upset and frustrated about the payment not going through. Your agent could spend time going back and forth with questions, potentially upsetting the client even more. Or, your support rep could use a customer service platform to see if the entered zip code isn’t matching.

Your agent immediately gets to the root cause and provides the right fix. The customer can pay their bill without having to relive their frustration. Client satisfaction levels increase while your team leaves fewer customers waiting in a queue. Customer service platforms also integrate sales and support activities, giving a more holistic view of client experiences.  

Eliminating Troubleshooting Headaches

Troubleshooting involves investigative skills. You have to start with what’s appearing on the surface, but be willing to dig deeper to discover the why. Nonetheless, the troubleshooting process can lead to greater dissatisfaction, especially if there’s too much back and forth. An already highly charged situation could escalate if there’s no end in sight.

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Getting to the heart of the matter requires solid communication, visualization, and empathy. However, the faster you determine the problem’s context, the quicker you can apply the correct solution. Tools like screenshot apps, remote desktops, automated update platforms, and integrated customer service software help your efforts become more successful.

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