Night Vision In Movies

Night Vision In Movies

Night vision rifle scopes and other similar devices that help to see in the dark are widely used in various fields of activity. Such popularity of these optics makes them in demand even in the cinema. Thanks to this, you can often see films in which the main characters actively use night vision goggles, binoculars, monoculars, and sights.

Night vision in the mass culture

Night vision has become available to humanity relatively recently. It made it possible to circumvent the laws of nature and enable people to see well in the dark. The impetus for the development of NV technology was the numerous military conflicts that developed in the middle of the last century.

Its gradual improvement has led to the emergence of many night vision devices, many of which have become available to everyone. The widespread use of such devices by ordinary people has not gone unnoticed. As a result, night vision appeared in films, literature, and modern theater productions.

Night vision in movies

The global film industry closely monitors the audience’s preferences and tries to offer them the most relevant content. This desire led to the appearance of various NV devices in the cinema. In most cases, they complemented the images of the main characters of science fiction and military films. They pick the idea of the characters from the best Alien books in the market.

Famous films in which the characters used various night vision devices:

  1. Predator. This famous film is rightfully considered a masterpiece of world cinema. He talks about an unusual alien who has various superpowers. Among the latter, the ability to see in complete darkness stands out. This is achieved by using a special helmet by the Predator, which creates a thermal image of the area. Such a helmet is an analog of our thermal imager, capable of capturing heat emanating from a person. However, even such a device does not help the alien in the battle with the special force’s major, who A. Schwarzenegger excellently played. An Earthling who challenges the Predator uses various tricks to disguise the heat coming from the body and become invisible to the enemy.
  2. Robocop. The cult film, released in the late 80s, allowed the viewer to see the thermal NV device in action. At that time, this technology was almost fantastic, so the audience appreciated the embodied ideas of the director. Robocop uses his modern devices only in case of emergency when the life and death of innocent people are at stake. He is part of Robocop’s arsenal and helps him detect criminals hiding in dark rooms or hiding behind the walls of buildings.
  3. Sicario. A well-known director and a good cast are the keys to the success of any film. However, in addition to the work of these people in Sicario, there is something to see. There are many realistic special effects and scenes using NV devices. The latter help the heroes gain an advantage over opponents and defeat them faster. The only downside to the Sicario movie is that there is a lot of hidden advertising glorifying NV fixtures from a well-known manufacturer.
  4. The Silence of the Lambs. Any fan of action-packed stories does not bypass this cult film. It harmoniously combines good directorial work and excellent acting. The result is a film that went down in history forever and fell in love with millions of viewers. In one of the main scenes, you can see all the benefits of using night-vision goggles. They help to see in the dark and perform any actions that people cannot do without such a device. The picture received by the hero is slightly modified compared to the real one. However, this minor flaw does not spoil the scene and the whole film.
  5. 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi. A well-made film with a fascinating plot is one of the best in its genre. It shows the courage and heroism of ordinary people who enter an unequal battle with terrorists. This is done using standard weapons and night vision goggles. This combination makes it possible to resist many enemies and achieve your goals. There are several unrealistic moments in the film. They are immediately noticeable to professional military personnel but are standard for ordinary viewers. Many memorable scenes fully compensate for this slight drawback with shooting, explosions, and heroic deeds.
  6. Zero Dark Thirty. Much has been said, written, and filmed since September 11, 2001. However, all this does not compare with the film Zero Dark Thirty, which received many good reviews from experts and ordinary viewers. He talks about eliminating the leading world terrorist of that time, whose actions led to the death of thousands of people. During a carefully prepared operation, soldiers use night vision goggles. They help them complete the task set by the command. The main feature of the film is the presence of scenes where the audience can test themselves in the role of a soldier. These scenes are in the first person and show the image seen through the NV goggles.
  7. Three Kings. This is an unusual but fascinating film, which starred many Hollywood stars. It only partially touches on NV devices since they are used only in one of the scenes. One of the characters puts on night-vision goggles during daylight hours and receives an unusual image that amuses the audience.
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Most notorious usage of the NV in movies

NV fixtures have been seen in dozens of famous films. Each of them has its characteristics and gets its army of fans. At the same time, a movie stands out against the background of other similar works. We are talking about the “Universal Soldier,” which became a cult film in the 90s.

In it, the main characters actively use night vision goggles, which help them perform combat missions of varying degrees of complexity. Now, these devices look a little outdated.

Despite this, they are an integral part of the image of Luke Devereux and Andrew Scott, who are excellently played by such Hollywood stars as J.-C. Van Damme and D. Lundgren. In addition, NV devices helped create an image of invincible warriors using all the technologies available.

Night vision occupies a worthy place not only in life but also in modern culture. Devices using this technology often become indispensable assistants to the main characters of books, films, and plays. All this creates favorable conditions for the further development of technology and its introduction into modern culture.

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