outsourcing Software Testing

Major Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Software Testing

If you are a large-scale corporate with tons of workload, outsourcing is probably the best option you have. But remember, don’t forget to evaluate your outsourcing partner thoroughly before getting to some kind of agreement. You can evaluate the testing outsourcing services, get a weekly or monthly progress report, 24/7 support, etc. All of this…

application support

What is Application Support? – A Brief Guide

It will be hard to imagine a world without engineers and managers working in the field of application support. They are real superheroes who keep all our favorite apps and services running.  The companies providing application support services ensure stable and uninterrupted platform operation. Without their help, clients would not be able to correctly interact…

Custom Software Development Company

How To Choose The Right Custom Software Development Company

There are several important steps to choose the right custom software development company. According to recent data, there are over 25,000 software development agencies utilizing one IT outsourcing platform alone. With so many choices, choosing the best developers for your business can be challenging. As a business owner, you need to know what steps to…

improve typing skills

How to Improve Your Typing Skills: Life Hacks and Top Apps

In the modern rhythm of life, it is impossible not to type. Everyone, regardless of their professional sphere, has to type from time to time. Students, teachers, business owners, journalists, doctors, lawyers, and anyone who must complete certain documents, have to type. You should apply your typing skills even in your everyday life. Communication on…

Facts and Myths about Node.js Development

Prevalent Facts and Myths about Node.js Development

What is Node.js development? Node.js is software that allows its users to create server-side and networking websites and applications smoothly. It is free software which makes it easily accessible to anyone and everyone. Noje.js has become extremely popular due to its convenience and accessibility. It takes only a few minutes to build a webpage or…