Ways That Ai Has Transformed Our Daily Lives

10 Ways That Ai Has Transformed Our Daily Lives

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, technology is still being improved to this day. In the 21st century, we live in a tech-savvy society where owning a tech device like a smartphone is more common than owning a book. Our regular routines are impacted by technology constantly, and here are 10 ways that AI has transformed our daily lives:

1. Face ID 

New models of smartphones are designed with facial recognition software. From Apple to Samsung, Face ID is another way we can unlock our devices instead of using our fingerprint or a PIN, and is powered by AI. 

2. Chatbots

AI is not only transforming our daily lives at home but also our own consumer experiences. Businesses implementing Chatbots in their customer service are utilizing AI to 

3. Financial Management

A useful way in which AI has transformed our lives, especially if you are a business owner, is through its enhancement of financial management. Softwares like Xelix are ideal for this, automating processes and identifying any errors in your data, whilst protecting your financial systems as a whole. 

4. Smart Assistants 

Whether it’s Siri, Alexa, or Google Assistant, these smart assistants are AI using voice recognition software to act and answer your questions or commands. In particular, they can be connected to other smart home devices such as lights and speakers, and you simply have to command Siri or Alexa to turn your lights on and off.

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5. Video Summaries

Have you scrolled through Netflix recently? If you have and have ever paused on a video, chances are that it would have started playing a short clip, instead of the traditional static thumbnail. AI technology automatically creates this short video summary for you by learning the content of the video. 

6. Internet of Things (IoT)

The growth of IoT is largely due to technological advancements, including AI. Smartwatches in particular can utilize AI technology to learn from the data they obtain from the wearer such as blood pressure, heart rates, etc., and provide analysis and meaningful insights. 

7. Recommendations 

It is more than likely that you will be on a shopping site or media platform at least once today. Have you seen your recommended list? This is created through AI algorithms that learn your consumer behavior, recommending you things based on things you may have looked at or already purchased.

8. Self-driving Cars

Autonomous vehicles are powered by AI technologies, using machine learning, neural networks, and image recognition. Although the idea may seem daunting, self-driving cars can remove dangerous driving behaviors should the driver be drunk or distracted. 

9. Smart Household Items

AI has the power to improve home management through smart household items. If you would rather not manually vacuum the house, AI vacuum cleaners can do this for you. 

10. Spam Email Filters

If you have found yourself somehow subscribed to numerous newsletters, receiving hundreds of spam emails every day, AI technology has definitely helped us in this sense. AI is the technology that runs behind spam filters, focusing on keywords and phrases to filter out the spam from the important emails – ensuring you get less spam to clog up your inbox.

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